My hope is that other Mommy Teachers (or anyone who works with young kids) will contribute their teaching ideas, experiences and activities.  Simply e-mail me a description and photo of the activity to share with other Mommy Teachers.  Sharing and borrowing is what teachers do best!

I am open to “guest posts” as well, as long as it is original, unpublished content that aligns with the content of my site.

E-mail all submissions to jessica [at] themommyteacher [dot] com

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Sharing Ideas With Other Mommy Teachers:

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4 Comments on Your Thoughts

  1. Hey Jess! I LOVE the site! It has such practical advice and helpful tools to aid parents in preparing their kids for school. As an early childhood educator too, it would be so beneficial for kids to start school knowing the skills you are discussing. Great job 🙂

  2. I feel like I just learned so much! This will be super helpful when our little ones are at the age to learn these skills. Looking forward to keeping up with the blog!

  3. Jessica,
    Your idea and activities you have for “The Mommy Teacher” are great!!! This should be a huge success because most all of the mommies of 3 to 6 year olds today are wanting to give their children all they can to prepare them for the world. Your suggestions are age appropriate, easy to do and well explained.
    Thanks for caring and sharing!

    • Thanks so much for your feedback 🙂 It was so great to see you the other day! Thanks again for the pies that were so delicious.

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