Ahhhhh…I remember when I was a kid and I would come home with heart shaped paper-plates, stapled together,and full of candy on Valentine’s Day.  My dad wrote us poems that he would read to us (I am a grown woman and he still does this-what a sweetheart).  He would then ask us about our Valentine’s Day party and we would pour out all of our candy on the floor so that my dad could “check” to make sure it was safe, picking out his favorites of course haha.

My advice for your time spent with your kiddos is an educational spin on my after-school activity with my dad. 

First, the no-brainer, ask them about their Valentine’s Day.  What activities did their teacher choose for Valentine’s? Reviewing is great for memory recall so be specific like “What was your favorite craft? What did you do first thing in the morning? What was your group time about? Or Did you get a chance to share today?”

Second, ask your little one to sort out their candy to see how many of the same candy there is and how many different kinds of candy there are. Or sort small, medium, and large candies.

Third, compare piles, have your child estimate which pile has more than the others or ‘the most’ (explain that most means the highest number and give some examples first).

Have a Happy Valentine’s!

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