Year: 2012

Displaying Your Little One’s Name

A friend of mine from Santa Cruz, Bolivia sent me a name plate for Sean Patrick that I have hanging on the headrest in front of his car seat.  Displaying words that are meaningful to children is key because children “study” the print after you have talked through it with them.  These images become input in their working memory and will benefit your little one’s ability to recall important information.  Don’t just assume that they know what the print is or says (even if there is a picture).  Talk about every feature. 

For this name plate we talk about the color, shape, letters, the ball, and that those are the letters in his name.  We sing our little song, and I ask him about it as we are riding along.  I know this may seem so “behind the times” because most people have a tv in their head rest these days, but if that is the case hang skill sets on the back of the driver or passenger seat because either way it is a great visual for concentration.

I really recommend making one WITH your little one, but if you want to buy a decorative one my friend is in the business of making them and she calls them “Name Plaques” so contact her if you want to buy an affordable, customized display of your little one’s name.

My Little Songbird

The Day Before Yesterday I posted about coming up with a song that spells out your little one’s name, and I mentioned that Sean Patrick knew the first part of his song. I JUST started singing this song to him less than a week ago. Well, he turned 22 months old today and I thought I would share the video of his progress with his little diddy to date:

While I’m having a proud mommy moment, I’ll go ahead and share my videos of Sean Patrick counting as a 20 month old:

And my little one singing his “H-I-G’s” instead of his ABC’s at 21 months 🙂

Singing Your Little One’s Name

Today’s video blog is to give you an idea of how you can be purposing transitions throughout the day to teach your little one the letters in their name.

We teach our little ones the ABC’s which makes learning the letters easier, but we seldom think to put the letters of our little one’s name to a tune (which is most likely the first work he/she will write!).

So, get busy and come up with a creative song to your little one’s name, video it, and SHARE it with me 🙂  I will share your video if I think it could help other moms whose little ones have the same number of letters in their name as yours.


Oh I forgot to mention a couple things….my son’s name is “sean patrick” which explains what in the world I am singing haha

Sean Patrick bubble name
And, the song for a four letter name is “The Farmer in the Dell” so ignore the way I say it… “dale” lol

Faux Pas of a Mommy Teacher

Faux pas is pronounced (fōh-pah) meaning “false step/mistake” in french.  We wouldn’t be mommy teachers without mistakes and learning experiences of our own along the way.  Don’t get me wrong, this is NOT a new concept to me, but here is my faux pas that started with great intentions:

Our decorative "Piggy Bank" .... in pieces!

But first, my great intentions….

Every time I post a Mommy Teacher activity I accommodate it for my 21 month old.  On President’s Day I was working on building his oral vocabulary of money by simply introducing the penny, encouraging him to put it in his pocket, and tracing a circle around the coin onto paper.  

My coin jar, aka Sean Patrick’s savings, was sitting on the baker’s rack in a not-so-long-ago unreachable spot, but I hadn’t assessed the situation in a while because he hadn’t paid any attention to it (pun intended).

My next oversight was allowing him to take notice of me as I took coins out of it for our mini lesson….which only peaked his curiousity in exploring the jar that I took the coins out of.

After the mini penny lesson, Sean Patrick was pulling the coin jar off the shelf before I could tell him to stop so I ran across the kitchen and swooped him up before the coin jar could crash on his feet. 

I spent the next hour picking all the coins and sweeping up the broken jar with strict guidelines for Sean Patrick to stay away so he wouldn’t get hurt….he listened and was consequently bored for some time. 

Yes, this is my son, and yes, he needs a haircut….I am a procrastinator and have been saying this needs to get done for about two months….yikes!

You gotta love when your day takes a detour (sarcasm implied). 

Face of the Presidents

Happy President’s Day to you! I like to celebrate Presidents, with little ones, by talking about several well known Presidents like Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, etc. and the current President of COURSE. One great teaching tool for talking about the Presidents is coins. Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and dollar bills provide a visual of former presidents for children, as well as introduce other significant concepts that may be taught to older little ones.

I like to teach a few facts (about the Presidents AND coins) and then let little ones make their own interpretations by playing with their new ideas….one example is a coin face drawing. Simply put the coins down on drawing paper and allow your little one to draw the body and maybe even add details to their picture.


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