Everyday Teachable Moments

Daily Devotions: Week 4

We are absolutely loving our daily devotions!  The kids are finally not protesting them anymore (before they just wanted to run off to watch TV after homework), but now they jump up and down asking what type of activity we are doing (not every day, but some)!  This week, we even did a science experiment as one of our activities!  Have you ever related God to oil?  Haha… maybe it was a stretch, but the kids loved it and totally got my analogy, so that’s what matters!

When my husband got home, the boys couldn’t wait to tell him what they learned which sparked my husband’s Daddy Teacher side (he taught math, science and engineering to high schoolers before he became a mechanical engineer).  He ended up creating a science experiment that will be my next post in a few days.

Day 1:  An Adventure with Me

“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” -John 14:20

If you have any matryoshka (nesting) dolls lying around your house, this verse can be perfectly portrayed by using those dolls.  If not, any type of nesting toys such as blocks or cups can be used just fine.  For your older child, you can label the big nesting doll “God,” the next size “Jesus,” the next your son/daughter’s name, and the next “Jesus” again.


This one took some convincing for my 3 year old to understand that God was not an LSU football player, and to get past the fact that each doll has a “shirt” (top) and “pants” (bottom).

Me: “Leyson, so where is Jesus?”
Leyson: “He is wearing my pants.”
Me: “No, he is inside you. Inside you.” ::sigh::

Next lesson: the difference between “where” and “wear” and maybe we’ll just use nesting blocks instead of the nesting dolls. 😉

“For in him we live and move and have our being.’  As some of your own pets have said, ‘We are his offspring.'” -Acts 17:28

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.”  -Colossians 2:6-7

Day 2:  Never Changing

“God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace.” 1 Corinthians 14:33

The devotion talked about all of the distractions we face daily…hourly…and how one thing always remains the same:  God.  He is a constant in our lives.  While we are growing and changing, He is the one thing we can count on to always be there for us.

Today, I wanted to do an illustration on things that change and things that remain the same.

Materials:  2 bowls, oil, water, food coloring

I pulled out 2 bowls and filled one with water and one with oil.  I explained to the kids that we are like the water, always growing and changing, learning new things, adjusting to new situations.  James added food coloring to our water to see how the water automatically changed to blue.


Then I explained that God is always the same, always there for us.  He is not going to be changed or influenced by distractions like we are.  He is not going to walk away from us even when we mess up.  His love for us remains the same.  Leyson added food coloring to the oil and the oil did not change.  It did not spread and turn the oil blue like it did the water.


“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”  Psalm 46:10

Day 3:  I Am the Light

“I am the light of the world.  The person who follows me will never live in darkness.  He will have the light that gives life.”  -John 8:12

Today’s discussion was about the Light that fills our hearts and the darkness that can overtake it, if you let it.

Materials:  black paper, pencil, glue, glitter, tray or box with sides (to limit the mess)


Draw a large heart on the black paper.  Talk about how hate, jealousy, rudeness, disobedience, dishonesty and disrespect can all darken the heart.  Let your child paint the inside of the heart with glue and fill it with glitter.


Talk about how Jesus’ love for us and our obedience to follow Him will fill our hearts with light.  My kids had a great time waving their hearts around to see the light dance against the glitter.


“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” -Psalm 32:7

Day 4:  No Other Friend Like Me

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”  -John 15:13

We pulled one of our favorite Disney songs to help us with today’s devotion.  We compared the love and friendship that Andy and Woody have with each other to our relationship with Christ.  We also closed our eyes and listened to the words of this song describing their friendship and talked about how that relates to us and our BFF, Jesus.

“I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master’s business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”  -John 15:14-15

Day 5:  Depend on Me

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”  -Ephesians 6:10

God is the ultimate superhero – putting it in 6-year-old boy terms here.  He is super duper strong, like an ant.  We discussed how strong ants are in comparison to their bodies, and how big and heavy the things they carry can be.

Materials:  stirring straws, cheerios, glue

We pretended our fingers were little ants and made dumbbells to pump some ant iron and show their strength.  Cutting the straws into 3 inch pieces, we slipped cheerios onto each end.  James decided 3 cheerios on each end was about what an ant can carry (he thinks he is Wikipedia and knows everything).

Then my 6-year-old know-it-all decided to multiply the weight that the ants can carry times a million trillion billion because that’s how strong God is.


“The God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  Genesis 1:26-27

If you are doing Bible studies with your kids at home, we would love to hear from you!  Are you following a specific kid’s devotional or study, or making your own up as you go along?  Comment below to tell us all about it!

Catch up on previous weekly devotions below.

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1


Grandparents Day 2013

HEAD’S UP, MOMMY TEACHERS!  This Sunday is Grandparents Day!  My kids love their grandparents so much and wanted to make them a special gift for their big day!

My 4-month old niece, Marley Kate, recently sent me a cute letter and it inspired our Grandparents Day gifts.

IMG_20130904_112815_535-1 Since our printer is broken, I decided to hand paint ours, and leave a spot open for my niece, Abby, to stamp her foot, too.  This one below is on its way to Oklahoma right now.

IMG_20130903_141810_362-1 Then I thought it would be a great idea to make a few hand print art templates for you to purchase and download so your children can make beautiful art for their grandparents too!

In addition to a “You Are My Sunshine” template for your baby/toddler’s footprints, I have also made a “You Are o-FISH-ally My Favorite” template for a sideways hand print and an “Owl Always Love You” template for a palm hand print and thumbprints for wings.

IMG_20130904_111206_280-1 IMG_20130904_111215_378-1 These templates are available to download this week for just $1 for all 3!  Enjoy!

[purchase_link id=”4008″ style=”button” color=”blue” text=”Purchase”]

Happy Grandparents Day to all of you Grammy and Grampy Teachers out there!!!  Thank you for all that you do!  Your grandchildren love and appreciate you!


Toy Time Out Labels

Toy Time Out Box Labels are just a quick and easy way to label a designated box, crate, or bin to define it as a space for toys that cause problems.

I bought the crate for $12 at Hobby Lobby on the Wood Aisle.

Wooden Crate from Hobby Lobby

Assembling  Toy Time Out Labels

Red Toy Time Out Label

Blue Time Out Label

[Click HERE to become a member for just $5.50 a month and get unlimited access to ALL The Mommy Teacher Printables including this one!

OR CLICK HERE to purchase any one of these Toy Time Out Box Labels individually from my TeachersPayTeachers Store.]


Who is causing the Problem… my preschool boy or the coveted toy? Or Both?

Sean Patrick started his new school year today, and being the procrastinator that I am, I stayed up last night making a Toy Time Out Box for his teacher:

Toy Time Out Box Label

How To Make This Toy Time Out Box:

1) I printed the following labels onto regular computer paper (you can use card stock) using the print option “Multiple” to print them the size that I needed.

[purchase_link id=”3975″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Toy Time Out Box Labels”]

2) I laminated them with my cheap laminator  Scotch Thermal Laminator Combo Pack, Includes 20 Letter-Size Laminating Pouches, Holds Sheets up to 8.5" x 11(TL902VP)  that I love and use for everything!

3) I cut them out and then hot glued them onto my $12 crate from Hobby Lobby that I found on the “Wood” Aisle in the craft section.

Assembling  Toy Time Out Labels

Why I Made This Toy Time Out Box:

I got the inspiration to make the labels for this toy time out box from Casey (who co-writes here at TMT) because she has one that her son helped her paint:

Toy Time Out Box
How I Use A Toy Time Out:

When my kids (or their friends) are fighting over a toy:

1) I walk CALMLY over to them, get on their level, look them in the eyes, say their names, and then calmly say “There is a problem so stop just a minute so we can figure it out.  This toy is causing y’all to fight – each take a turn to tell me why.”  (wait and listen)

2) Okay Well ___ was playing with it so you can either wait and find a new toy while you wait, or you can see if your friend wants to find a way to play WITH you with the toy.

3) And to the Friend who had the toy, can you find a way to share the toy or do you need me to set a timer and he can play with it when the timer goes off?

4) I warn them that if neither child is willing to wait or to share then I tell them the toy will have to go to time out until they can come up with a solution to play with it together or to take turns.

5) I try to follow through.  If they are both willing to make it work then I take it back out.  If not, the toy stays there.  It is that simple.

However, you can also use this box as a place where toys are held until a chore is done or a certain change of attitude takes place.  It can be used in more ways than just the example I provided.

If you come up with a use for it then please share your thoughts in a comment 🙂

Daily Devotions: Week 3

Thanks for joining us on our daily devotions journey!  I gotta be honest, doing this daily with our kids, our activities are hit or miss.  My kids are not always cooperative, my activities are not always the most exciting, and yes, apparently looking back at the week, we completely forgot to do it on Monday!  I didn’t even realize that until I started writing this post!  So, hang in there!  Bible study is not going to be perfect every day – some days it will be so far from it, but your children are still hearing God’s word and are seeing you set an example for daily obedience.

If you are just now following us, here is a recap:

Week 1

Week 2

Day 1:  Messy Days

“Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”  – Psalm 105:4

It can be hard to “visualize” Jesus when we have never met him face to face.  For kids, this can be hard for them to understand that He was born into this world like you and me yet, though he no longer walks as we do on this Earth, we can still have this amazing relationship with Him.

Ask your kids to describe Jesus and what He looks like.

Google some images of famous paintings and images of Jesus.  Talk about the likenesses between them and how this is what some believe He looked like when He was here.  This will help your children visualize Him when they talk to Him.

I know I like to visualize Jesus holding my hands when I pray.  It helps me to feel more connected to Him.  Describe to your children what it feels like to feel His presence.

Pray with them and ask them to visualize Him when they do.

Day 2:  Autopilot

“Your world is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”  – Psalm 119:105

Today, we made compasses – simple compasses.  I drew a circle and cut out arrows for them to glue “point the way to Jesus.”

I scaffolded the activity for the different ages of my boys.


“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.  My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”  Psalm 63:7-8

Day 3:  The Light of the Son

“The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it.  The glory of God is its light, and the Lamb is the city’s lamp.” – Revelation 21:23

We found a box that just so happened to have a hole big enough for the kids to peer into.  “What do you see?”  Well, there’s really not much to see inside of a dark box… it’s dark and empty.  We saw nothing.  Without Jesus in our lives, everything would be dark like the inside of the box.


I opened the box and put a flashlight inside and closed it again.  We looked through the hole once more and saw the entire inside of the box!  Jesus lights up our world so we can see and live and so our spirits will be filled with light.


Take this a step further if you have prep time before your devotion begins:  draw or tape pictures to the inside of the box so that when you turn on the light inside your kids can see what they couldn’t see when it was dark.


“Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’ Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord.  You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.  I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”  – Psalm 4:6-8

Day 4:  Before You Work

“Depend on the Lord in whatever you do.  Then your plans will succeed.” – Proverbs 16:3

Today we made a challenge for ourselves to remember to pray before we get started in the morning.  Write that challenge down and post it somewhere, maybe on the kids’ bedroom door, so that you all can see it first thing before you start your day.  It is one thing to say we are going to do this, and intend on doing this, and quite another to follow through.  So set an alarm on your phone if you need a daily reminder and teach the kids to come gather around so you can pray over them for the day.

“Then Jesus said to his disciples:  “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.  Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Consider the ravens; They do not sow or reap they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them.  And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” Luke 12:22-26

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  Ephesians 6:12

Day 5:  The God Who Forgives

Practice role playing forgiveness with your kids.  If you have multiple children, have them role play this back and forth: one who makes a mistake and the other forgives.  Pray with your children and teach them to ask for forgiveness and also to ask for help to be able to forgive others.  Just as God forgives us, we need to forgive others, too.

“Where can I go to get away from your Spirit?  Where can I run from you? . . . If I rise with the sun in the east, and settle int he west beyond the sea, even there you would guide me. With your right hand you would hold me.”  – Psalm 139:7-10

– Genesis 16:7-14

“The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” – Zephaniah 3:17



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