
Submit a Mommy Teacher Spotlight!

Mommy Teacher Spotlights are inspiring glimpses into the lives of other Mommy Teachers.

Theses spotlights are a chance for us to learn from other moms, or to gain a new perspective.

We would love for you to leave comments about your thoughts, but please be mindful that we all have our own unique family puzzles and one size does not fit all.

We would love to hear about something that you are currently working on, experiencing, or learning.

Submit an original, well-written post with pictures if possible.  We will review it, and let you know if/when we will be sharing it with other Mommy Teachers! 🙂

Looking forward to your inspiration!

Click HERE to fill out the contact form for the submission.

“Desperate” Winner(s) Announced

random generator pick

I used random.org to pick a winner and I think this is the first time I have seen NUMBER ONE get picked!  Yay for the number one comment “I would love to win this book!” – EARLYMI !  You won THREE copies of my new favorite book!

And as suggested in the title of this post I actually picked one other winner that I will be sending one copy of this book to because I was so encouraged by the following comment: “I would love to use this book to mentor moms in my apartment community.” – Terri!

Congratulations winners!  I will contact you by way of email 🙂

Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe



Sometimes it’s not the Pinterest-Worthy Pictures…

As “The Mommy Teacher” you might assume that I fill my days with pinterest-worthy activities and crafts that I display for all to “ooh” and “ahh” over…. but nope, thats actually not my gifting, and it is not something that I feel guilty if I don’t achieve.  Sure, I may have my MOMENTS of presentable glory, but yikes if I try to maintain that level of self-inflicted pressure on a regular basis.   I started to think about why I am so secure in my simple but intentional ways and I came up with the fact that it is because I value the old-fashioned experiences of my own childhood: exploring my neighborhood, playing at parks, climbing trees, playing “house,” playing sports, singing, dancing, putting on skits, and just lots and lots of dramatic play… experiences that make life and learning FUN and enjoyable.

Sometimes the teaching opportunities that go unseen or unnoticed are the most instrumental in shaping the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, and physical development of our kids.

You may not always share the richest conversations you have with your kids, the bedtime stories, the imaginative moments, the nature walks, the giggles over nothing in particular, the amount of words you introduce your kids to on a daily basis, the outdoor playtime, etc.   And it doesn’t have to be broadcasted to make you a mom that is thriving in your motherhood calling.

Encouraging imagination, teaching your kids to love learning, and simply introducing vocabulary on a daily basis are three things that you can’t really exactly “pin” but have such long-term benefits.

And so, today, for all of the moms out there who need the reminder to live FREE (from guilt, stress, pressure, expectations, comparison, any every other distraction that occupies us from ENJOYING and investing in our kids), I am giving away 3 copies of the book  “Desperate” by Sarah Mae and Sarah Clarkson to ONE person.  Why one person? So that one person can start a small group to discuss the book 🙂

All you have to do is SIMPLY comment on this post that you would like to win this giveaway.  It’s just that simple 🙂

Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe

This isn’t a “book review” and it isn’t sponsored.  It is simply my new ABSOLUTE favorite book that I want to share.

Some of my favorite highlights from the book are reminders to

1) Explore hobbies that interest you and allow yourself the joy that comes from experiencing them with others.

2) Know that in parenting there aren’t formulas that fit each family.

3) Value the time in your every day life “simply” telling your kids (and showing your kids) how much you love them.

Mentoring is a theme of this book as well – which is a HUGE part of my life.  I value my mentors and soak them up like a sponge 🙂

I will announce the winner Sunday night 🙂

We look forward to HEARING from you!

Grandparents Day 2013

HEAD’S UP, MOMMY TEACHERS!  This Sunday is Grandparents Day!  My kids love their grandparents so much and wanted to make them a special gift for their big day!

My 4-month old niece, Marley Kate, recently sent me a cute letter and it inspired our Grandparents Day gifts.

IMG_20130904_112815_535-1 Since our printer is broken, I decided to hand paint ours, and leave a spot open for my niece, Abby, to stamp her foot, too.  This one below is on its way to Oklahoma right now.

IMG_20130903_141810_362-1 Then I thought it would be a great idea to make a few hand print art templates for you to purchase and download so your children can make beautiful art for their grandparents too!

In addition to a “You Are My Sunshine” template for your baby/toddler’s footprints, I have also made a “You Are o-FISH-ally My Favorite” template for a sideways hand print and an “Owl Always Love You” template for a palm hand print and thumbprints for wings.

IMG_20130904_111206_280-1 IMG_20130904_111215_378-1 These templates are available to download this week for just $1 for all 3!  Enjoy!

[purchase_link id=”4008″ style=”button” color=”blue” text=”Purchase”]

Happy Grandparents Day to all of you Grammy and Grampy Teachers out there!!!  Thank you for all that you do!  Your grandchildren love and appreciate you!


Authority Figures…. Are you ALL on the same page?

This is a tough one y’all. There can be a lot of authority figures in our kids lives, and well… we don’t always see eye to eye.

But, in my experience, it has shown effective when everyone is on the same page about the BIG issues…expectations, discipline, and roles. Sometimes we can be control-freaks about the little stuff, but we can let go of that stuff when we acknowledge the root of that is PRIDE. Sometimes we need some perspective that other authority figures in our kid’s life CARE about our kids and want the best for them. So, try not to sweat the small stuff. But lets focus on the main things…. we all want to act out of impulse and “maternal/paternal instincts” most often. That doesn’t mean that we are right.  Prov.21:2 states that “EVERY way of man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.”

Sometimes we need to “check ourselves” before God.

Here was my check: For a long time I was under-mining my husband’s parenting by constantly sharing with him my early childhood experiences in order to teach him the “right way” to guide Sean Patrick.  I admit that I was not the most supportive wife in the area of parenting for the first two years of our parenting together.

On almost every issue we (all parents) can approach something with our own experience, expertise, and opinions.  BUT I believe the key to authority figures getting on the same page is when we partner as learners TOGETHER so guiding children becomes OUR resources… not my resources VERSUS your resources.  

I am so excited to be in a community group of parents right now going through the book “Parenting is Heart Work” because it opens up so many discussions like how can WE do this better, or this isn’t working so how can WE change “x-y-z” to align with this great tool that WE now have.

Parenting Is Heart Work

Are you seeing the shift in perspective?  Are you experiencing this right now?

Share your thoughts in the comments of this post or share if you have found some resources that both you AND your co-teachers (in parenting 😉 ) have found helpful!

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