My latest project is complete… and I’m pretty excited about it. The best part is that I really had fun sticking pictures on these Scripture cards that I made for our family.
I got this idea the other night simply looking through pictures on my phone.
Looking at each picture, I would think of different Bible verses like:
“How sweet it is when brothers live in unity…”(Psalm 133:1) or looking at a picture of my mckayla enjoying a cupcake and “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8) popped into my mind. So, I started searching for companies that made picture stickers. Tons of companies make them, but not sticker pages that could be made of multiple pictures.
Then, I stumbled upon and found this:
A sticker book of 90 pictures for just $9.99!
I uploaded lots of my Instagram pictures from my Facebook account into their program (which didn’t take long), and then ordered my book. When it came in, it felt like Christmas. At nap time, I printed my Scripture cards & got busy.
After printing my Scripture Card Printable I spread out all of the Scriptures all over my table so that I could pick which pictures applied most specifically to each verse. I was excited to make them really meaningful.
After I finished matching all of my stickers and cards, I laminated them and cut them (you can do both of these things at an office supply store); I laminated mine with my affordable self-laminator
that I love. I bought mine at Walmart.
I cut them with my guillotine cutter.
Then, I searched around my house for the perfect place to place them… they are currently in my rooster coffee cups. 🙂
When I shared the idea with my friend the other day, she asked me,
“How would you introduce these?”
I let her know that I try to 1) Memorize most of the verses so that I can make them a part of our natural conversations.
I occasionally 2) Make observations verbally:
“Sean Patrick, you are being such a kind big brother. Did you know that the Bible says “Be kind and loving toward one another?” It makes God, Daddy, and Mommy so proud to see you doing those things.
Sometimes, I 3) Show my kids the pictures and we discuss them…
“See this picture of Mckayla and Meme looking at the sky God made? The Bible says that the Heavens tell about God’s beauty…. Can you see how beautiful He is when you look at the sky?”
Finally, when they are old enough to read, I will 4) Ask my kids to read me a verse so we can talk about it, how we can see that verse in our lives, and how we can do a better job of living out that verse.
Does that make sense?
My mom did such a great job investing in my five siblings and myself by teaching us lots and lots of Bible verses in such a natural and meaningful way.
I am excited to follow in my precious momma’s footsteps and purpose teaching invaluable truth to my kids.
You could also use these as part of your daily devotions and come up with activities or songs to go with them. 😉

I would love these scripture card pintables but I am not a member. is there any way I can have access to this one post, or even the scripture references that were used so I can use them for my three kids? I would love to become a member but don’t homeschool or anything. I just ran across this page and loved this idea to personalize the Word. Love your idea!!
Hi Wendi. Here is the link for just these Scripture cards:
But I would love to chat more if you want to e-mail me – Jessica (at) themommyteacher (dot) com. Hope to hear from you soon! 🙂 🙂 🙂