Month: September 2011

Creative Writing

Just a few days ago, I re-discovered my creative writing folder from my childhood and I LOVED this:

Rebus books that use pictures in place of words are usually for beginners to focus on a minimal amount of words on each page and use pictures as well as words within the print so that a beginner can see that words and pictures BOTH communicate meaning.  That is one reason why I loved this creative “stamp story” (as I call it) because I was trying to tell a story using the stamp characters I had.

This would be such a fun writing activity for you to work on with your little one!  If your little one is not yet “writing”  –  allow them to dictate the story to you and help you “write” when they can.  You can substitute stamps with whatever you have in your house…..stickers, pictures (cut up double of family members and pets), magazine cut outs, etc.

This activity has so many possibilities that I would love for you to SHARE what you and your little one come up with on The Mommy Teacher Facebook Page


Real or Make-Believe Stories

Little ones have the BEST imaginations; yet, some things that we define as make-believe may seem like a real possibility in a child’s creative little mind.

Still, it is important to start having “real” versus “make-believe” conversations with our little ones…..PLEASE don’t take this post out of context and start breaking their hearts about different heroes they may have that may or may not exist 😉

I am talking about asking questions about books and stories like “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”….

Asking questions like: “Could that really happen in real life?  Can animals talk?  Do bears live in cabins in the forest and act like people?”  Etc.

IF your little one says “yes” say “hmmmm….I wonder if we could observe bears in the real habitat/home they live in to see how they really are.”  Go to and search for different real-life bear videos to show your little ones the reality THEN ask questions like: “What are some things that are the same?  What are some things that are different?”

A great way to make a measurable chart contrasting real and make-believe is to

1) Print the freebie I made for you: Real vs make-believe printable  (You could also make/use a venn diagram)

2) Cut out pictures from magazines and place them in the column under the category it falls into.

3) Talk about it….ask questions to get your little one to figure it out logically!

This teaches your little one critical thinking skills, introduces the concept of fiction vs. nonfiction, and allows your little one the opportunity to build on oral vocabulary and express their ideas about their observations.

And The Winner Is……

The winner of the Thirty-one Bag giveaway thanks to consultant Katie Leach is…..

Ashley C!!!!

 I contacted Ashley and learned that she is a mommy teacher to “a beautiful little girl, married to an amazing man, and a college student who is also looking for a full time job!” She said she “loves every minute of it!”  🙂

Congrats Ashley and thanks to EVERYONE who participated in the giveaway….I will be re-reading all the comments to pick out another item to give away soon because of your great feedback.  I will also try to keep my daddy teachers in mind as well 🙂

What’s in the Bag? Wait-Time Fillers

Teachers are usually prepared, or over prepared, for every minute of their day…because wait time can drive anyone and everyone involved to their breaking point.  So, most teachers have a bin (or two) of time fillers just in case they need a backup plan.

 This backup plan is a concept that needs to be transferred over into the “on-the-go bag” you carry with you on a daily basis because you WILL end up in a waiting room, a mess of traffic, a long line at the store (eh hem, hobby lobby), or who even knows where else.

I submit to you a few ideas worth considering other than the commonly used technology accessories: books, sketch pad + crayons, an activity book, and a mommy teacher time filler book.

I know this “time filler book” sounds silly, but I recommend taking the time to make one and here is how:

Make a word document of all the songs, finger plays, and stories you love:

1) Find, copy and paste from websites that provide all the lyrics.

2) Print and cut them out. (Click here for a starter I made you)

3) Tape them into a spiral bound index card pack.

4) Throw them in your purse or murse (“man purse” for all you daddy teachers)

** If you want to get fancy you can color code them (songs-red, finger plays-blue, stories-orange, etc.)

Then when you need a time filler, give your little one a choice!  “Do you want to read a book, sing a song, listen to a story, color, or act out a story with our fingers?” I think you will be surprised how much more quickly the time passes with your little one engaged.

So today I ask you….What’s in your Bag?  Share ideas that you have found helpful in your time of need!  Share pictures on the Mommy Teacher Facebook Page!

Don’t have a bag?  Enter the giveaway!

Thirty-One Bag GIVEAWAY!!!!

I’m really excited to share my latest favorite “find” with you all. And the best news is that I actually get to SHARE my “find” with one lucky mommy teacher… so check this out and read carefully to see how you might get in on the action!

I just love this Organizing Utility Tote from “Thirty-One Gifts” consultant Katie Leach – I mean love. I love it for so many reasons…mommy teachers will love it for so many reasons:
This tote can be used as a diaper bag, teacher bag, gym bag, beach bag, overnight bag, purse, picnic bag, you name it!

The pattern pictured to the left is called black parisian pop and it is so pretty….it is one of my favorite patterns in the catalog.

Black Parisian Pop is the actual pattern I am giving away – it is NOT monogrammed – you can personalize it if you wish!

For more examples of what this pattern looks like check out the following page of the catalog by clicking HERE and a few more examples can be found HERE.

I just had to add an authentic “mommy teacher momment” modeling pic for your entertainment…..

  A bed-head, no make-up, 7 months pregnant in my college ministry tank top, haven’t had my coffee yet, fashion shot.

I have already used my bag as an overnight bag, a diaper bag, and a “teacher bag” and this particular day it was functioning as a combination of the three.

To Enter:
1) Check out the thirty-one gifts catalog and “Leave a comment” on this post about your favorite find or pattern.
2) Add thirty-one gifts consultant Katie Leach as a friend on facebook.
3) Get a DOUBLE entry for SHARING and TAGGING something like this as your facebook status “I just entered @TheMommyTeacher Giveaway thanks to Thirty-one gifts consultant @Katie Leach)

-You have to have “liked” the mommy teacher facebook page and added Katie leach to your fb friends in order for the “tag” to work and your double entry to count!

So, you can have up to FOUR entries total for better chances of winning the incredibly cute multi-purpose organizing tote.

Enter by midnight on Friday, September 23rd because I will be announcing the winner on September 24th.

Contact consultant Katie Leach if you are interested in purchasing any other items in the catalog or want more information on Thirty-One Gifts.

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