My ABC’s for teaching your child the alphabet:
Always Be Creative
You could spend hours upon hours trying to find alphabet activities online, but really? I mean, I get overwhelmed with the oversupply of ideas and end up forgetting all of the great ideas I have seen.
Reality is that kiddos need to learn their ABC’s back and forth, inside and out; it’s seemingly simplistic but when it comes down to it the key is Reinforcement.
For starters, there are great Alphabet books you need to read to them…”Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” is great for learning letters, lower and upper case; point to each letter as you read about it. Click here to order from amazon: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Additionally, go to the Library and check out some other ABC books; children love hearing books over and over because they become familiar with them and feel so confident.
To teach your child each letter of the alphabet, I recommend introducing the letters in their name first, and then working with the other letters one letter at a time.
Here is just one alphabet activity to start with:
1. Print the letters of the alphabet attachment and make a book by stapling it, hole-punching and putting it in a folder, or if you are fancy, have it bound. Go through some old magazines with your child and focus on one page of the Alphabet book at a time (I suggest one a day). Thrift stores sell magazines for about 15 cents if you don’t have any around your house.
2. For the first page, encourage your child to circle all the A’s and a’s they see in the magazine.
3. Cut them out for them (it is most likely a little too small for their motor control). While you are cutting, let your child glue each letter onto the alphabet page it belongs to.
This is a great way for your child to learn a letter and how it looks in several fonts and sizes.
ACCOMMODATION: If your child already knows their ABC’s you can do this same book by having your child cut out pictures of things that BEGIN with the letter SOUND. For example, cut out alligators, and apples to glue onto your Aa page.
Bonus: Make a Cover yourself. Come up with a title and help your child write their name next to “By:”

Thanks SO much for the idea! This is a great activity! I’m trying to begin homeschooling my 3 almost 4 year old. Yes, there are way too many alphabet activities out there! I love your blog and will be using everything here! Thanks again 🙂
I am doing some supplemental teaching at home, along with what my 4 year old is learning at school. Thank you so much for the great ideas! It will be nice to spend time with him and teach him at the same time!