From Casey:
“Win a CUSTOM, PERSONALIZED BEHAVIOR CHART from Kidspired Creations, courtesy of The Mommy Teacher! Deadline: March 4th!
Behavior charts are a great visual reminder to use when disciplining your child. The Mommy Teacher gives tips on how to use a behavior chart effectively and why, like in a classroom, it is helpful to use at home. Kidspired Creations will be giving away a CUSTOM, PERSONALIZED behavior chart to one lucky parent (or teacher)! That parent will be able to help design his/her own behavior chart to match his/her decor, personalized with the kids’ names AND his/her house consequences.
There are 2 ways to enter (by doing BOTH you can get a DOUBLE ENTRY!):
1. Visit and LEAVE A COMMENT on her post about the giveaway.
2. Visit Kidspired Creations at and “LIKE” the page. Then LEAVE A COMMENT on the KC facebook page.
(It would be really fun if your comments included a little “Mommy Tip” to share with other Mommies!) But the comment can also be as simple as “i like this idea.”
DEADLINE MARCH 4TH! A WINNER will be chosen on March 5th… so start commenting!!!
You may also visit the Kidspired Creations Etsy Shop at”

3 Comments on GiveAway Guidelines!-closed 3-4-11
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LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog!! I have gotten so many great ideas from Jessica (and from Casey’s site too)! I received some letters from the kids’ Mimi to work on sounds and spelling – Kennedy loves them! Thanks for helping us moms who don’t have that fabulous education degree – to educate their children at home! You’re the best Jess! Love ya!
I am so appreciative for all the hard work you do to put together this blog. I learn so much from you and Casey. It is so nice to just go to one place to learn all kinds of fun activities to do with my daughter. And it is also good to read and reread the tips on disciplining so when those moments occur and I need to put it in action, that will be my automatic response. Thank you so much!
I love this blog, and you, Casey! As a stay-at-home mom of 2, I need as much help as I can get! The behavior chart is adorable 🙂