I have to apologize to all the Mommy Teachers who were following my Daily Devotional posts! As soon as my boys started Awana for the semester (a Christian Bible study for kids age 2 to grade 6.), our daily devotions were substituted by their memory verses for the week – every few lessons or so, they receive either patches or “jewels” for their club vests… very.big.deal.
So you can imagine, that while we were getting into the routine of working memory verses into our daily study, there was little self-control left inside of their little bodies for devotional time. I am trying to work in a little craft or activity little by little, but so far, I have been left covered in glitter while they run around the house chasing each other.
As soon as we get our new schedule down, I will pick back up with writing the devotional posts so you can join us! I will include our memory verses too. Hopefully this is the week where we find our groove!
For now, I want to share with you my friend Megan’s new blog Just 30 Days (www.just30days.org). When Megan first told me about her new blog adventure, I couldn’t wait to join her! Each month, she is picking up a new habit to try for 30 days… one of those habits that you always WANT to try, maybe even make it your New Year’s Resolution, but never actually get around to it…
Read part of her “about me” section below:
We’ve all heard the saying that it takes just 30 days to create a habit. I wonder if that’s really true. I’ve decided to try and find out by taking 30 days to try one thing. Whether my goal is to wake up early, eat clean food, stop complaining, meet my neighbors, workout, encourage my husband, live on a budget…I’m going to try one thing at a time for 30 days straight. After 30 days, I will see if I want to keep doing it or maybe I will realize it doesn’t make my grass green at all. But either way, I believe there’s power in a focused life!
So this is my journey of watering my side of the grass…30 days at a time!
In September, she and her followers did 30 days of waking up early. Phew, that was challenging for this night owl! But the days that I did follow through were AMAZING! Just being able to finish my quiet time without someone interrupting, taking a shower without the kids trying to hop in with me, and getting completely dressed with makeup on while being lost in my own thoughts instead of having to hear, “Mooooom!” completely changed my morning attitude!
This month, the challenge is praying for your children. Each day, Megan has chosen a new virtue to pray about and she blogs about her prayer time, verses that accompany your prayer, and successes or little bumps along the way (because if it weren’t challenging to remember to do this every day, we’d already be doing it).
She also makes it super easy for you to join in the challenge. Simply click the tab that says “The Next 30 Days” and fill out the contact information. She will encourage you through e-mails and notifications of new posts. What a great way to hold you accountable!
I have been praying over the kids each day and our experiences have been so peaceful! As soon as I explained to the kids what I was going to be doing, they immediately sat down quietly to pray with me. It has been amazing to see them sit still through my wordy prayers and then ask questions after about the virtue.
I hope you will join us in this challenge!!! Perhaps my personal challenge next month should be staying on top of weekly devotional posts 😉

Great 30 habit! I pray for/with each of my girls before they leave for daycare daily but this will be nice to have a daily virtue, since right now I feel like I say the same thing each day. Thanks for sharing this with us! 🙂