
For Parents who like Routine….and Sanity

I don’t know about you, but I like to stick to a routine for sanity’s sake. I know that it is bound to change at times, but I am a creature of habit and like to keep it that way as much as I can. In fact, one of my favorite things about teaching was having a schedule posted on the wall for all to see. The kids loved it too. They started to inform me when we had to be somewhere or when it was time to move on to another subject.

Kids thrive on routine, but I am not suggesting that you post a schedule in your house because I know things change on a DAILY basis (unless you are homeschooling-then I absolutely recommend it). But, I am suggesting that you post the things your children know to expect like brushing their teeth, making their bed, getting dressed, etc.
There is SO much research on smooth transitions.  And let me tell you… displaying a child’s routine so that it is predictable and consistent definitely paves the way for smoother transitions in the morning.

So, good news, Casey shared with me that http://www.Livinglocurto.com has FREE printable routine cards that are so cute. Not only are they cute but they have very kid-friendly images for all the words that describe the steps in their routine. She also has some after school cards. I am interested to see how creative my Mommy Teachers are in how you display and use them. I recommend printing them on cardstock and maybe even getting them laminated for durability, but it’s up to you! 🙂

An LSU professor, Dr. Buchanan, highlighted that adding pictures of your children “brushing their teeth,” “making the bed,” etc. really makes the chore more personal and meaningful to your little one. I definitely recommend taking the time to add pictures! 🙂

And The Freebies Go To….

I wish everyone could win, and maybe in the future you will! There will definitely be more giveaways and more children’s book giveaways for sure, but I went ahead and used random.org to choose 4 WINNERS!!!

The first 4 names that came up when I used random.org’s list randomizer will each get a group of books shipped right to their door soon!

So here are the winners and here is a little fact about them:
1. Meg Albright – Meg is a mommy teacher of a soon-to-be 1 year old!
2. Balamaze Frank – Balamaze is helping to start a school in Africa!
3. Tracey Childers – Tracey is a mommy teacher of a 3 year old!
4. Casey Hilty – Casey is a mom of 2 young boys and her home business Kidspired Creations put on my last giveaway!

Congratulations to all the WINNERS!!!!
Come back today to read about a Spring Activity!

Behavior Chart Giveaway Finished Product

Hey Mommy Teachers,
I have SOOOO many activities to share this week, so check back with me because I have practically been writing them in my dreams haha

Today is the last day of the Children’s Book Giveaway so if you haven’t entered you have til midnight tonight and the winners will be announced first thing in the A.M. tomorrow 🙂

But for those of you who might be interested in learning more about Behavior Charts, you have GOT to see what Casey customized for the winner of the Behavior Chart Giveaway EARLY this month! Here is a picture of the finished product – a Toy Story themed behavior chart! I definitely recommend reading about this creation! Learn more about guiding behavior through positive and meaningful rule-setting HERE!

Children’s Book Giveaway!-Closed

I decided that I am for sure going to go through my book shelves and book bins this weekend and purge for all you Mommy Teachers who want some free books!

I may find 2 books and I may find 20. But, either way if you want free children’s books simply leave a comment on this post to enter, and “like” my facebook page for a double entry.  I will let you know sometime Monday which random comment(s) I choose and ship the books right to your door 🙂

UPDATE: 23 books; looks like there will be more than one winner!


Who turns down freebies?!?


What’s Normal?

I was talking to Casey the other day about the reality of reversals that children have when learning letters, learning to read, or writing words like their name.  I know, how many people talk about this kind of stuff on the phone?  I can name two.

But the truth is that when children are writing their letters backwards when they already “know” the “right way”, it can be very frustrating for parents and even teachers who are not aware of typical brain development. Reversals such as writing “b” when trying to write “d” or writing the name Jessica “acisseJ” or some form of mirroring the name is NORMAL. Why is that normal? Because the brain makes some of the greatest changes in children throughout their early years. The brain has a lot of maturing to do in the way that children process information, store it into their brains, and recall the info from memory.

But there is hope…here are some of the ways that you can help your kiddos get through this process: 1) teaching pre-reading skills in sequence, 2) teaching letters and numbers using hands-on forms of the letters so children can use more than one of their senses, 3) repetition of one letter at a time instead of introducing “d” and ‘b” together, etc., 4) NOT getting frustrated when they make mistakes or have reversals 5) helping the process of maturing the brain through exercise and interactions. 

You want your little one to enjoy the process of learning and a big part of their brain development includes your POSITIVE GUIDANCE.  I want you to imagine if you were in China tomorrow, with no one who spoke English. As different as the oral and written language is from your own, can you imagine if your teacher was getting frustrated with you while you are trying to learn such a foreign language.  You will naturally have to study the basics over and over again, and even after studying, you will still mix things up a bit when you are writing. 

So, I hope this gives you a little more insight into your child’s learning struggles that are natural and normal and all that good stuff. 

Today’s “assignment” is to be gracious as you practice the basics today!

 *This article shares about some typical writing behaviors to expect from a young child. but if you have serious concerns about your child’s learning abilities then consult a specialist.


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