I may get some hate mail for this “review” but it is long overdue. I have been asked by several people over the last couple years “What do you think about the ‘My Baby Can Read’ program?” For the longest time I couldn’t give a straight answer because I didn’t know much about it.
But, not too long ago, my sister asked me if I wanted it because she was going to get rid of it and I took it so that I could review it for everyone who has asked me what I think. And here goes nothing….
The Program Summary: “My Baby Can Read” is a video series that introduces oral vocabulary with the corresponding print on the television screen. So, for example, there might be an elephant and then the word “elephant” right after the image of the elephant appears. The same number of words will be repeated a few times throughout the video.
The founder of this program has a “manual” that suggests that children nearly master the words in the first video before moving on to the next. He claims that children can “read” based on these videos.
What I believe: To build strong, efficient, and strategic readers children should have the opportunities to learn along the reading continuum that I demonstrate in a reading ladder in fun and meaningful ways.
Once children have mastered each tier of the reading ladder and have the ability to understand all of the print concepts and listening skills, then they are on the road to reading success. THEN words can be memorized to help children FLUENTLY read words that they already know how to decode.
Would I use “My Baby Can Read?” : I am not opposed to allowing my little one to watch the videos every now and then to promote ORAL VOCABULARY….basically, to reinforce his first language that he is developing to date as a two year old. BUT I would NOT use this as reading instruction by any stretch of the imagination….that is my personal opinion. And I would not buy the program just to aid in reinforcing vocabulary, but I am as frugal as they come. Hope this is informative for you!