Being a teacher with a “teacher shed” and tubs full of bulletin borders, di-cuts, and other materials definitely pays off when making crafts. But I think that this is something that you can just as easily re-create without the exact same materials that I used to create this simple but fun Easter activity for the kids.
I grabbed a large piece of cardstock, a strip of grass border (any teacher supply store has this, but you could also cut contruction paper to look like this), a strip of rainbow/sky border, a bunny template (simple), markers, modge podge (any glue will due), and Easter stickers from the Dollar Tree.
We glued the borders and bunny and let the kids decorate from there.
They drew the face for the bunny, drew eggs, drew a sun in the sky, and some dots and lines too. 🙂
We included the one years old too.
If I were doing this with older kids I would talk about “signs of spring” and encourage them to label or write about their picture on a sheet of paper that I would tape to the back.
But I loved this because it was super simple, but festive and fun. Creating a little scene for the Easter Bunny was really exciting for the kids.
Other thoughts… Have a scratch sheet of paper or take your child’s hand to teach them how they might make new shapes or pictures.
Give the little ones ideas like :
1.”I’m wondering if the bunny might want a carrot to eat?”
2. “Does the bunny need a basket of eggs to deliver for Easter?”
3. “What kind of flowers do you think we could draw for the bunny to pick on the way?”
4. “I’m thinking that the bunny might have circle-shaped eyes, a triangle-shaped nose, and whiskers that look like lines. I might draw the same amount of whiskers on each side so that it matches.”