Drawing a person is a very meaningful experience for little ones. For most children, this is the first figure they can identify that they have drawn themselves. There is a progression that follows. Children initially draw a circle for a head, then the arms coming out of the head, then the legs coming out of the head, etc. It take a while before children develop their person into a more comparable human form with a head, body, arms, legs, facial features, and possibly even hands and feet.
This is an activity that helps their writing development in many ways. It helps with fine motor skills. It helps children to communicate through drawing (similar to the purpose of writing). Additionally, it gives children a template to build on incorporating their creativity.
So, today’s activity it to sit down with your child with a sketchbook and some colored pencils and model drawing a person (draw your child or someone else who is of importance to your child). Talk through each part and ask them questions. What shape is their head? What is under their head? (neck/body) What color should I draw their hair? Should I draw boy clothes or girl clothes?
Finally, write the name of the person you drew while talking about each letter and sound. This is a great lesson for young children to begin brainstorming how to communicate through written language.

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