If this is your first top visiting our Elf on the Shelf ideas, please go check out our first and second Elf posts and our Make-Your-Own-Elf printable!
FOUR more sleeps until our elves all go back to the North Pole and Santa comes to deliver goodies for our little ones! Whoa! Santa’s elves better have some coffee on hand to make it through the next few nights. Thank you so much to all of you who have followed our elf Captain’s journey on Facebook – and a special THANKS to those of you who shared your elf’s journey with The Mommy Teacher! Next Christmas, we will have compiled nearly 70 elf ideas thanks to you guys!
For those of you not on Facebook, here are the latest elf adventures from Captain starting with December 13th…
And from our friends in Facebook land… 15 more ideas to add from our last post…
16. All of “Emma the Elf’s” friends were attentive listeners while she read Twas the Night Before Christmas.
17. Elves love Zydeco music! Bring on the washboards and the accordions!
18. Poker anyone? “Elfie” sees your goldfish and raises you two more!
19. My, my. What a pretty little elf!
20. An elf-sized fire. Don’t burn the house down!
21. Since it’s in the 70s in Louisiana, “Pabon the Elf” brought some insta-snow from the North Pole!”
22. “Eating 3+ servings of fruit each day makes you healthy and strong! Here is your first serving to get you started!”
23. “Pabon” mustache you a question!
24. Brrr! Your milk needed some Christmas cheer!
25. “Share with your friends.” Such a giving little elf!
26. “Periwinkle the Elf” is staying in shape while indulging in all of her Christmas goodies!
27. “Sally the Elf” is on a roll!
28. “We elves like to stick to the 4 major food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup!” ~Buddy the Elf from the movie Elf.
29. Quite possibly my favorite elf idea ever from “Boudin the Elf”…
“My kiddos are secret Christmas agents! They have accepted a special mission from Boudin. He left each of them $ but they are not to keep the money for themselves, they have to come up with a way to spread God’s love. They have to think of a way to use the money to bring happiness to others. Boudin explained this mission is based on Matthew 22:36-40. The greatest two commandments.”
30. And one last adventure from “Boudin,” one of my favorite elves…
“This morning we woke up to find Boudin with a few ingredients and directions left out for us. He said he really misses the snow and since it doesn’t snow in Louisiana like it does in the North Pole he wanted us to try and make our own snow. The kiddos all worked together to mix up the ingredients, it was a success!”
Follow our Facebook album to see Captain’s last few adventures of 2013! Merry Christmas!!!