Hi! I’m Casey from Kidspired Creations! I have been a guest blogger a few times on The Mommy Teacher am very excited to now be co-blogging with Jessica! I am a former Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten teacher and am currently a stay-at-home Mom of 3 little ones ages 5, 3 and 10 months.
I have to admit that despite my best attempts, not all of my Mommy Teacher moments get the best reception from my kids. I think if I say, “Let’s make a pattern!” one more time, my 3-year-old might throw a toddler tornado-sized tantrum.
Yes, my kids can get burnt out on lessons from this Mommy Teacher; however, I know how to win them over every time: food, particularly pizza.
I recently saw a recipe on Pinterest that involved cutting zucchini in half long ways, carving out the insides and filling them with various deliciousness. I decided that these “zucchini boats” would make great pizza crusts! This idea perked interest with my kids so quickly that I couldn’t prep fast enough.
Zucchini Boat Pizzas
-Ingredients: zucchini, pepperoni, mozzarella, pizza sauce
-Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut zucchini long ways and spoon out a trench on the inside. Spread a few spoonfuls of pizza sauce inside. Fill with mozzarella cheese. Top with pepperonis. Place on the oven for 15-20 minutes or until zucchini is tender.
Easy peasy… and so delicious that even my super-picky 3-year-old was digging into the “green crust.”
Here are the different skills we covered while making our pizzas:
– Sequencing: “What is the first step to making our pizza? What comes next?”
– Measuring: “How long is our zucchini? Let’s measure in pepperonis.”
– Adding: “Our pizza needs 3 pepperonis. There are 2 pepperonis on the pizza now. How many more do we need to add to make 3?”
-Counting: “How many pepperonis are on your pizza?” How many pepperonis are there all together?”
-Multiplying: (for the school-aged child) “If we have 3 pepperonis on 10 pizzas, how many pepperonis are there all together?”
-Time: “Our pizzas need to cook for 20 minutes. Let’s set the timer.”
-Pouring and spreading the sauce with a spoon
-Sprinkling the cheese using our fingers
-Using the pincer grasp to separate the pepperonis
Language Skills
-Sequencing Vocabulary: first, second, next, then, last, before, after etc.
Health and Nutrition: Learning about making healthy choices by substituting with fresh vegetables and what food groups are being included in dinner
Following Directions and Recipes: Following step-by-step or a series of directions is different than following one direction at a time. “So, I put the pepperonis on first right??? No? Well, what do the directions tell me to do?” You can take this a step further than I did by drawing or writing out the recipe for your child to have a visual to follow.
Social Behaviors: being a happy helper in the house! It is important for kids to take ownership over household tasks and doing it with a happy heart!
My kids do not like to try new things, but since they made the dish themselves they were eager to dig right in! More surprisingly was my 3-year-old who didn’t shed any tears before his taste test! That’s quite an accomplishment at our dinner table! Everyone was happy… even the baby who got pureed zucchini that was scooped out of the middle of our boats. Bonus!

Love it! Will definitely be trying this at home. My daughter will love that the bread is substituted with zucchini & my little boy will love helping!