My good friend Casey specializes in making creative decor and one of my favorite things she makes is growth charts because there are so many opportunities to teach math and science skills. Once you are aware of the skills you can teach it makes “talking it out” with your child so much more of a natural learning experience.
Here are the math skills that are my summaries of kindergarten grade level expectations:
1) Treat the growth chart like a number line: identify the numbers that come before or after a given number or between two numbers.
2) Count forward from a number or backward from a number.
3) Use measurement vocabulary: “feet,” “inches,” “taller,” “shorter,” etc.
And the science skills:
1) Use the chart as a “tool” to measure, observe, and keep information (talk about what you have learned from the tool from previous measurements).
2) Compare the human body at various stages of development with language like “You were shorter 3 months ago when you were younger.”
3) Predict and anticipate possible outcomes “How tall do you think you will be in 3 more months?”
Now, make your own growth chart or order one from Casey! She makes everything customized and personalized!
Check out some of her work:
Her latest….butterflies!
Coordinating charts for sisters.
How cool does this kid feel?
LSU theme for two….LOVE!

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