- I have always loved watching home videos. It is fun to re-live memories and I think deep down inside it is kind of fun to sit back and observe yourself the way that others might. Well, I am really going to embarass myself today with a “home video.”
Sean Patrick LOVES to watch himself over and over again, the same videos repeated so many times I can’t even stand it after a while haha.
For that reason, I started to integrate videos that taught him things that I wanted him to learn, like the ABC’s, Counting, Letters in his name, variations to head-shoulders-knees and toes, etc. I filmed these things while he was next to me or singing along so he could see himself and would actually want to watch them, and it worked….maybe he also just liked to watch mommy sing while looking and sounding ridiculous. Don’t torture yourself by watching it more than once…unless for some reason your little one finds it amusing haha:
For older kids, help them come up with a skit that teaches them about whatever topic you are learning and their “lines” can teach them more details about their subject. As they learn their lines, say them, watch those videos they will storing the facts in their brain so naturally.