You know those days when you walk back to your car after an all-day-event of check-ups or appointments and you feel completely drained?
I have had plenty of those days.
But, I *think* I cracked a little code the other days when I went to the doctor with all three of my three and under to get flu shots and I walked out of the office wishing I had passed out business cards haha.
There are plenty of factors that marked the success of that day:
1) God’s good grace 🙂
2) Going early enough in the morning that I wasn’t torturing tired children
3) Bringing plenty of snacks to keep my little ones tummies happy
4) Staying Calm and Positive
5) Being Prepared!!
I was wearing my baby in the moby wrap, and I packed clip boards and a small dollar tree container of crayons in the diaper bag.
While I was filling out paperwork I put the clip boards and crayons on the floor and said something like: “The doctors need to know who we are and why we are here so we are going to write it down for them.”
While I was writing my information down I would just ask my preschooler questions like:
“Okay, they want to know your name. Â What is your name? Â What are the letters in your name?” Â Simple questions.
He would answer me and then scribble his lines and circles. Â But lines and circles mean that he is learning that we can communicate through print so every little moment counts.
This little waiting room success moment inspired me to make this for our next visit:
I know the whole space to draw a picture for why they at the doctor leaves room for T.M.I. but I am so curious to see what your kids “think” they are at an appointment for.
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