My 6 year old came out of “quiet time” (mommy’s few moments of uninterrupted sanity) carrying this book Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
“Mom! I discovered that I have a diary!”
Haha I laughed to myself because he just unknowingly called himself a wimpy kid.
Anyway, he sat down and started reading from page one. My husband and I looked at each other asking if the other had read it and if we should be allowing him to read it – we had no idea what the book is about.
So, I go to the 2nd most knowledgeable place I know, Facebook (the first being Google). And I posted a status update asking all of my oh-so-smart friends if this was ok for my 6 year old to read. See, the reason I asked my friends first is because I know their credibility… and can ask them specific questions too.
I got a lot of great feedback for both “yes, it’s fine” and “no, it’s more for middle schoolers,” but the best thing was when one of my friends sent me this link to Book Reviews for Parents!
What an amazing resource! This website provided a plot summary like most reviews do, but also offered brief descriptions on Christian beliefs referenced in the book, authority roles (descriptions and examples of the different roles the parents, teachers and all other adults play in the book), other belief systems referenced…
Greg thanks his “lucky stars” that he is on the other side of the gym from the girls because his wrestling outfit doesn’t completely cover him during wrestling matches in gym class.
…(how specific is that?), profanity/graphic violence, kissing/sex/homosexuality and awards that the book has received.
There is also a “discussion” section with over 50 questions to get your child talking about the book.
In addition, beneath the book review is a link to a website that has reviewed the movie too, since most often the movie version differs significantly from the book version. The website, Plugged In, is another great resource that reviews movies, TV shows, music, and games for parents. Both of these websites are publications of Focus on the Family.
It is so important for us as parents to have knowledge about what our kids are watching, listening to, and reading. I love these two websites for making that aspect of parenting a little easier for us!
Oh, and if you’re wondering, we decided Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a little too mature for our 6-year old. The Magic Treehouse series has been recommended by several moms, in addition to the Who Was… series, biographies of different historical figures, so we’ll be heading to the library soon!