The following message really inspired me to include some more meaningul chore time ideas and activities….Thanks Casey 🙂 The activity is a great way to practice reading, fine motor skills, and math skills including sorting and number identification through everyday household chores. Who knew including your kids in housework could be so fun?
Casey says:
“I thought of you and your blog today when James and I were doing chores. Chores are such a great time to incorporate learning while getting stuff done! I wrote the names Mom, Dad, Leyson and James on a sheet of paper and James read off each name as I wrote it. Then, I drew lines under each name and James cut the names out to make labels for our laundry baskets. James then went through all of the clothes and sorted them into each person’s basket. He and Leyson also have several matching pairs of pajamas and shirts and he had to look at the tag to decide whose they were. If the tag had a 2 or 3T on it, they were Leysons, if they had a 4 or 5T on it, they belonged to James.
Anyway… just thought I’d share this with you to possibly share with other mommies.”