I am not an organized person. However, I have been determined to get organized now that I am a full-time, homeschool mom.
I wanted to share the system that is working for us so far and give you the breakdown here:
I found almost everything on Amazon. (This post may contain affiliate links.)
When you click on the images it should direct you to the links where you can purchase the items below.
This is the cart that should be back in stock soon (I didn’t pay more than $39):

Here are the cute bin organizers that I keep art and activity books in:

Each drawer is labeled using Silhouette with the “Sweet Pea” font:

I purchased the kids Chromebooks because we use IXL and Epic to supplement their learning.
Here is a video explanation of what is in the drawers but will also link each resource below.
And here is a video explanation of my memory work binder. We are doing Classical Conversations Cycle 3 this year.
For their personal devotion time:

For Phonics: Explode the Code

Reading Comprehension: Evan-Moor

Writing: Evan-Moor

Grammar for my 3rd grader (and up)

Spelling for my 3rd grader

Cursive practice:

Math: Singapore Math


I also supplement with: Liberty Kids, American History Timelines Cards, USA Interactive Map

I am also supplementing with: Human Body Interactive and CC Connected Sandbox Resources