I love scrolling through Instagram and seeing what other moms have shared for the day.
A friend of mine posted this video of her little fella and it immediately caught my attention for so many reasons:
Kids learn best and practice the skills they are learning most effectively when they are connecting with their world by seeing AND doing.
So if you have a child with lots of energy (can you relate?), jumping while learning or practicing skills that they already know is incredibly helpful for their brain development and you might reap the benefits of a quality nap time or bedtime rest later. 🙂
Here is what Hendrix’ mommy had to say about it when I asked for the details:
“The reality is he came up with this on his own! We were writing each other’s names (you can see his “mommy” on the bottom left of the screen) and he started hopscotching on his! He is into trains and roads now, and before this we were making roads with all the places that we usually go to…mall, coffee shop, grocery, honeys house…and driving to each place with his toy cars. We were learning to take rights and lefts and u-turns. This hopscotch just came out of nowhere. :)”
Thanks Alisha for sharing.
PS… I wish I had your chalking skills. haha