I have been thinking so much lately about how ready I am to get back into the swing of things and start sharing again. What better way to start than with a children’s book review?
I am writing a review about “The Grouchy Mom” by Rebecca Ventre first because who can’t relate to being a grouchy mom? Especially if you are reading this at 4:00 in the afternoon because if that isn’t the hardest time of the day then I don’t know what is. Well, maybe if you are reading this at 4 AM in which case… I am sending thoughts and prayers for all the grouchy mommas who just dream about a good night’s sleep.

“The Grouchy Mom” is relatable, clever, and really easy to embody the voice of the main character. The story is shared from the child’s perspective. The child just can’t fathom why her mom could be the grouchy one when SHE is the one who is getting the short end of the stick ALL DAY LONG. At the end of the day, the little girl develops some empathy for her mom, but doesn’t necessarily see her part in contributing to her mom’s grouchiness. It has humor, sentiment, and room for making teachable moments which is always my favorite thing about a book.
My teaching moments: I love this children’s book because with each page, I like to ask my kids “Why do you think the mom is grouchy?” And my kids can understand the reasons that maybe they couldn’t see before introducing this book. I also like to ask my kids “Is there a way the little girl can talk to her mom in a way that helps her mom? Maybe use a calm voice? Maybe she could something to do while she waits for her mom to finish cooking? Maybe she could help tidy up?” And I like to hear their ideas about it even more!
This book is A MUST for all mommas, and my kids request it as a bedtime read quite often.