Here is my second book review in a three part review because there was absolutely no way for me to clump three amazing books together in one post. Each book truly deserved it’s own lane.
Next up on my review parade is “The Sneaky Parents,” which is also written by Rebecca Ventre. This author is funny, endearing, and so engaging. You feel the nostalgia of a child-like perspective when you read her books, and it is really captivating so get wrapped up in. The author’s family was the inspiration behind the characters and even the art pictured here on the cover is a sketch of actual artwork of the author’s children.

This book has some of us thinking that if we “judge a book by it’s cover” then we might make some lofty assumptions of what actually goes on in this book! But, this story is in fact kid-friendly, and worth finding out what is so sneaky about these parents.
“The Sneaky Parents” is written from a child’s perspective about what takes place after bedtime. As parents, I think we can all agree that bedtime can be a BEAR, but this is actually the perfect bedtime read because it revolves around the realities and necessity of bedtime. I like that this book is the perfect length because I don’t know about you, but a long bedtime story is hard for me to get through.
My Teaching Moments: When I read this book to my kids I like to ask them “What would you do if you could stay up all night?” I encourage them to go to sleep thinking about those things because if they do, they will probably dream about them. And, if so, it will be just like staying up all night doing those things without being too tired the next day. I also like to tell my kiddos about the things I do like cleaning, laundry, and getting ready for the next day because it helps them to understand that mommy needs bedtime to go smoothly so I can be ready for the day ahead.
This book is so cute. I love a good bedtime story, and this one is one of those books that if my kids want me to read it “again” I actually want to read it again.