What’s in the Bag? Wait-Time Fillers

Teachers are usually prepared, or over prepared, for every minute of their day…because wait time can drive anyone and everyone involved to their breaking point.  So, most teachers have a bin (or two) of time fillers just in case they need a backup plan.

 This backup plan is a concept that needs to be transferred over into the “on-the-go bag” you carry with you on a daily basis because you WILL end up in a waiting room, a mess of traffic, a long line at the store (eh hem, hobby lobby), or who even knows where else.

I submit to you a few ideas worth considering other than the commonly used technology accessories: books, sketch pad + crayons, an activity book, and a mommy teacher time filler book.

I know this “time filler book” sounds silly, but I recommend taking the time to make one and here is how:

Make a word document of all the songs, finger plays, and stories you love:

1) Find, copy and paste from websites that provide all the lyrics.

2) Print and cut them out. (Click here for a starter I made you)

3) Tape them into a spiral bound index card pack.

4) Throw them in your purse or murse (“man purse” for all you daddy teachers)

** If you want to get fancy you can color code them (songs-red, finger plays-blue, stories-orange, etc.)

Then when you need a time filler, give your little one a choice!  “Do you want to read a book, sing a song, listen to a story, color, or act out a story with our fingers?” I think you will be surprised how much more quickly the time passes with your little one engaged.

So today I ask you….What’s in your Bag?  Share ideas that you have found helpful in your time of need!  Share pictures on the Mommy Teacher Facebook Page!

Don’t have a bag?  Enter the giveaway!

Thirty-One Bag GIVEAWAY!!!!

I’m really excited to share my latest favorite “find” with you all. And the best news is that I actually get to SHARE my “find” with one lucky mommy teacher… so check this out and read carefully to see how you might get in on the action!

I just love this Organizing Utility Tote from “Thirty-One Gifts” consultant Katie Leach – I mean love. I love it for so many reasons…mommy teachers will love it for so many reasons:
This tote can be used as a diaper bag, teacher bag, gym bag, beach bag, overnight bag, purse, picnic bag, you name it!

The pattern pictured to the left is called black parisian pop and it is so pretty….it is one of my favorite patterns in the catalog.

Black Parisian Pop is the actual pattern I am giving away – it is NOT monogrammed – you can personalize it if you wish!

For more examples of what this pattern looks like check out the following page of the catalog by clicking HERE and a few more examples can be found HERE.

I just had to add an authentic “mommy teacher momment” modeling pic for your entertainment…..

  A bed-head, no make-up, 7 months pregnant in my college ministry tank top, haven’t had my coffee yet, fashion shot.

I have already used my bag as an overnight bag, a diaper bag, and a “teacher bag” and this particular day it was functioning as a combination of the three.

To Enter:
1) Check out the thirty-one gifts catalog and “Leave a comment” on this post about your favorite find or pattern.
2) Add thirty-one gifts consultant Katie Leach as a friend on facebook.
3) Get a DOUBLE entry for SHARING and TAGGING something like this as your facebook status “I just entered @TheMommyTeacher Giveaway thanks to Thirty-one gifts consultant @Katie Leach)

-You have to have “liked” the mommy teacher facebook page and added Katie leach to your fb friends in order for the “tag” to work and your double entry to count!

So, you can have up to FOUR entries total for better chances of winning the incredibly cute multi-purpose organizing tote.

Enter by midnight on Friday, September 23rd because I will be announcing the winner on September 24th.

Contact consultant Katie Leach if you are interested in purchasing any other items in the catalog or want more information on Thirty-One Gifts.

The Random Toy Collection

Doesn’t it seem like toys come out of the woodworks to find their way into your playroom and toy chests?

I am assuming every household has an assigned place for random toys, or maybe you make frequent trips to your local donation drop-off.

But, I have found that there are definitely uses for your toy bin (full of happy meal toys, childhood toys, birthday presents, and more.)

Here are a few ideas….all sorting activities:

(Remind yourself that I am NOT a photographer and I am NOT fancy)

1 .   Write down the beginning letters that the majority of the items in the box start with on project paper or a sketch pad.  Before you ask your little one to help you sort the beginning sounds TALK about the items and name each one first.  For example, “here’s a /d/ /d/ duck and a /s/ /s/ swing, what is this (picking up a new item)?”  Then, TALK about each letter: “This is the letter “S” it stands for the /s/ sound….are there any toys in our bin that start with that sound?”

2. Write as many color names as you want on a sheet of paper and name each color or ask your little one to help you sound out the color names that are listed.  Then ask your little one to sort/group the items by their color.  Ask questions about the “data” afterwards: “How many orange toys are there?  How many more red toys than yellow?”

3. Write one digit numbers and their number word in a clear and organized chart.  Ask your little one to find something (a person, a car, an animal) that has more than one of it’s kind in the toy bin.  Give an example first like “There are only 2 cars in this toy bin so I will take them out and place them in my “two” square to show that there are two of the same kind of toy in my bin.  Can you find something else in our toy bin that has a match that would make a pair?”

4.  Write down size words in an organized chart, choosing whichever words you want to focus on such as “big/little,” “small/medium/large,” “tall/short,” etc.  Then 1) demonstrate an example, 2) have your little one “help you” find another example, and 3) have your little one come up with an example on their own.

Have fun creating your own sorting charts and ALWAYS feel free to share photos of your mommy teacher “style” of doing things with The Mommy Teacher Fan Page 🙂


What’s Missing?

Children can be really good at “rote” memory – they can sing their ABC’s all day, but that doesn’t always mean that they know their alphabet inside and out.

It is also very common for a little one to mistake a letter for a number or a number for a letter.   

So, I made these ABC and 123 sentence strips using di-cut letters (hand-written looks just as good) so that I can help my little ones use their ABC skills to figure out which letter OR number is missing from the alphabet/counting order.

 This is an activity that you want your little one using their problem solving skills to figure out.  So, don’t fuss if they sing their ABC’s to get to the letter in order to figure it out (that is a resource for them).  This is good practice for your little one to start recognizing letters and numbers with increasing observation.

I have made another FREEBIE for you, a printable for your little ones to practice as well.  It is a fill in the blank of upper and lower case letters and one fill in the blank of counting.  These are activity sheets with only ONE letter/number missing at a time.  But I will make two letter, and three letter missing fill in the blanks soon.  So, for now, start with the freebies below and see how well your little one can fill in those blanks! 🙂

ABC fill in the blank

123 fill in the blank

Pledge Your Allegiance With Your Kids

September 11th is a day that I want to recognize and commemorate by sharing the ways that I have always taught kids about our allegiance to our nation:

Even though I quoted the Pledge of Allegiance EVERY day in grade school verbatim, I still didn’t have a clue what the meaning of it was until about the 4th grade because of the higher order vocab like “allegiance, republic, indivisible, etc.”  You can start introducing a wider vocabulary to kids at a younger age as long as you connect the meaning to those words in multiple ways.  For the pledge (teaching about our allegiance to America), you can do this using:

Activities and Lessons



Sign language


and by using the words in context more often.

The Pledge of Allegiance

Hubbard’s Cupboard has my favorite pictures for kids that are simple and that you can even incorporate into a book printable.  The printables I use most are the “day 2” printables and hey, they are FREE 🙂

You can also put these pictures on cards, whole punch the corner of the cards, and put them on a binder ring to flip each card as you say the pledge.

Can I get a “God Bless America!!!” ???


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