Teaching Kindergarten was such a great learning experience. I have so many flashbacks of memories that remind me how much children enjoy the simple things. One simple thing my Kindergarteners loved to do was go around the room and take a survey of information; their favorite survey seemed to be likes and dislikes.
Pick something that your little one might want to find out or ask your little one what they want to ask. Brainstorm with them….”Do you want to find out how many people like Fireworks? Or how many people like sparklers? Or how many people like party hats?”
1. Click on the following like, and print out the sheet (or make one like it if you dont have a printer). Like/Dislike Chart
2. Pick one topic and model writing it into a question at the top of the page in the space provided.
3. Place the page on a clipboard. My kids loved this because it made them feel so professional. Here are some fun ones I found on amazon:
4. Have them go around the room and survey family members, friends, or even stuffed animals or dolls pretending that they are responding.
5. Allow them to record this info ANYWAY they choose: checkmarks, x’s, a Y for “yes” and an N for “No”, etc.
Do the first one with them 🙂
This is a great way to teach organization skills because it is formatted as a chart, and it can even incorporate counting skills and more or less if afterwards you help them add up to see whether or not the majority of people liked or disliked the given topic.
As always, have fun!