“I’m going to school on a bus today mom” says my 3 year old as he walks toward the door with his backpack on. He doesn’t ride a bus to school so I reply, “Yes! Let’s pretend to do that Sean Patrick. Are you going to drive the bus or is the driver going to pick you up? ” and the conversation continued as we made our way to the stairs where we pretended to be riding on a bus singing “Wheels on the Bus” and looking out the pretend window pointing things out to each other.
I asked him what friends were riding with us in our imagination and he named his cousin and a few other friends.
This gave me the idea to make this:
He is obsessed with school buses. He tells people when he is six he can ride the school bus. I am hoping he gets to ride one on a field trip this year.
We have a school bus toy that we drive all over our neighborhood road rug that looks something like this:
We read “Gus The Bus” pretty often and there are other great school bus books like and and obviously The Magic School Bus episodes and books are great.
So, he had a blast coloring his school bus picture…
And he did a great job drawing the eyes on the faces… one was shaped like a square so he told me that Mckayla had a square eye haha.
Anyway, click on the link below to download the FREE printable if you think your child would enjoy this too. You can help your child practice sounding out their friend’s names or just writing the first letter in their name. Have fun!
[purchase_link id=”3920″ style=”text link” color=”” text=”Download the School Bus Printable now… FREE”]