My niece’s birthday is right around the corner so I am making her a book; I decided to share a sneak peek with my mommy teachers.
These are some of the materials I am using:
magazine tear-outs
scrapbook paper
hole-punch (and a drill for the cardboard)
24″ x 12″ piece of cardboard
I cut a cardboard box that creased in the middle into a 24″ x 12″ foldable. Then I covered the outside and inside with cute scrapbook paper and a fun little title “Things To Do Just Me and You.”
I asked my husband to drill holes though the entire book (minus the pages) that I will use to bind the book with a ribbon. I am going to hole punch the pages for cleaner lines.
Next, I decorated the inside with pictures that I cut out from magazines. Each page will have a little date idea for us. This page is going to say: “We can pick out your birthday cake” and “We can go to the candy shop.”
This page is going to say something like: “We can make ice cream cones.”
Each page is going to begin with “we can” so that some of the text will be repetitive and the rest of the text will require her to use her reading strategies. I will share the final product when I get it done, but for now I hope this idea gives you a fun craft-book idea to make with/for your little one.