I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana so I am already experiencing Tropical Storm Lee and will be all weekend.
Being that I am rained in, and thinking of all of the mommy teachers who might be, I decided to make a freebie for you this morning 🙂
If you like this template… you can buy the whole years worth HERE!
There are sooo many skills you can teach using a calendar, and this month specifically, try to focus on teaching calendar skills by making a “weather calendar.” Just place the calendar on your fridge (or on display in the playroom), and ask your little one to help you be a weatherman (or woman) this month!
You can teach:
- prediction: “What do you think the weather will be tomorrow? What do you think the weather will be like later today with a dark, cloudy sky this morning?”
- patterns – “Do you see any weather patterns this week?”
- picture graph data – “How many sunny days have there been? How many rainy days? Have there been more/fewer sunny days or rainy days this week/month? What kind of weather have we seen the ‘least’ of this month?”
- vocabulary – monday, tuesday, sunny, cloudy, most, least, etc.
Your little one’s calendar might look like this:
or you might record the weather every morning and afternoon and in that case it will look different, but just do whatever is most age-appropriate for your little one… maybe your little one will only draw the pictures, maybe your little one will only write the “s” for sunny, and maybe your little one will only write the sight word. But as always , make this experience fun for them.

Great idea!