Eeeek! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! Leave it to me to wait to the last minute to even think about what to do. I decided a few years ago that I wanted to be intentional about the holiday – teaching my boys to be thoughtful and caring through acts of kindness – so we would always make our own cards and gifts for our classmates. Well, that was a few years ago, and this is now… and phew! 2014 is flying by and February 14th has crept up on me.
My Pinterest-loving self is really annoyed with my lack-of-planning self for just allowing the boys to choose store-bought Iron Man hologram cards that they simply wrote “To: Friend, Love, James/Leyson” on 20-something of them. But, boy! My kids were soooooo excited about those holograms. So, they win this year.
I did decide (at about 4pm today) that we were at least going to be intentional about what we exchange between our family members. The kids made “mailboxes” out of manila envelopes for each of us.
I pulled out all of my scrapbook paper, glue, crayons, markers and scissors and let the kids go to town! Leyson enjoyed playing with the scissors so much he pretty much made confetti the entire time, and my husband and I made bookmarks for all of the kids to go with their books that we bought them.
The kids kept running back and forth from the craft table to the mailboxes, delivering their own personal “letters” to Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Mimi and their visiting cousin and aunt. I can’t wait to open these all tomorrow morning!
So, yes, I realize this post is kinda really last minute (I apologize)… but this is still a great activity that you can do tomorrow or sometime this weekend! Happy Valentine’s Day… even if it is a little rushed! 🙂