Today is a simple challenge to encourage you to be intentional about the writing process. One of the first things I do for children to teach writing skills is to make a journal. I have made writing templates for you so that all you have to do is print them and 3-whole punch them: click HERE to get them.
Every day date the top right of the page and brainstorm a topic to draw and write about. I usually pick something that applies to our plans for the day or a reflection of what we did the night before. Otherwise, I come up with something writing about a favorite candy or food, etc.
Then let your little one draw a picture free of any critiques or suggestions. You can always give ideas if your little one is stumped but you dont want to squash their creative juices. Then, guide your little one (dont dictate!) about how he/she will write: start all the way on the left side so you have room to write, write until you reach the end of the line and then start at the beginning of the next line. Talk about spacing, height of the letters, and other print concepts, but DONT overwhelm or overteach. Just give them tips and guidance (maybe just one new tip a day. You will be surprised at their understandings over time. Help them sound out words, but when you start dont focus on proper spelling, focus on the sounds they are actually hearing in the words.
If your little one asks: “So it that right?” Answer “Those are all the sounds you can hear in the word”
Later on you can show them the way that the word “looks in a book” by writing it out, but encourage them to sound out and write JUST the sounds they hear at first.

Thanks for this reminder. We usually get to it a couple of times a month, but I would like to do it every day over the summer. My little guy is only 5, but truly enjoys drawing pictures and will eventually be writing before I know it.
I love the templates! I saved all of them! Thanks so much!
PS – Is it okay if I share the link to your writing template blog in an upcoming blog about summer time with kiddos? Let me know! I’d love to feature it. I don’t have that many followers, but am hoping to amp up the blogging mucho over the summer!
When I was teaching I had a box of “topics” on index cards for my students to choose from if they were stumped. The box had simple words on it like “park” or “food” or “toys.” These simple words usually sparked a memory of something they would like to write about.
At the end of each writing session, my students would “reflect” on their work. I had them fill out a checklist to make sure they were remembering all of the different tips I had taught them: “Did I capitalize the first letter of my sentence?” ::check:: “Did I use punctuation at the end of my sentence?” ::check:: “Does my picture match my story?” (This was particularly hard for 4 year olds to grasp because most often, at the beginning, their pictures and stories were unrelated). “Did I date the top?” This “reflection” period gets them ready for the stage of the writing process where they have to proofread and make corrections.
Great post, Jessica!