Today’s video blog is to give you an idea of how you can be purposing transitions throughout the day to teach your little one the letters in their name.
We teach our little ones the ABC’s which makes learning the letters easier, but we seldom think to put the letters of our little one’s name to a tune (which is most likely the first work he/she will write!).
So, get busy and come up with a creative song to your little one’s name, video it, and SHARE it with me 🙂 I will share your video if I think it could help other moms whose little ones have the same number of letters in their name as yours.
Oh I forgot to mention a couple things….my son’s name is “sean patrick” which explains what in the world I am singing haha
And, the song for a four letter name is “The Farmer in the Dell” so ignore the way I say it… “dale” lol

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